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Catch­er is an edu­ca­tion­al game devel­oped for the iOS and Android plat­forms. You can down­load it from here.

The aim is to real­ize your dig­i­tal identity:

What would you do if some­one accessed all your data? What if your accounts were hacked and your dig­i­tal iden­ti­ty stolen?
It’s dan­ger­ous to act care­less­ly online and Coral knows it: the wicked Raven snatched her phone and turned into her online self.
Only a shape-shift­ing cat could save the day: ven­ture forth with Fer­nan­do in his quest to retrieve Coral’s identity.
Dive as a sub­ma­rine, strike as a can­non­ball, run as a tank and defeat Coral’s neme­sis before it’s too late!


- Ven­ture in mag­nif­i­cent 2D worlds
— Many lev­els and sub­games to discover
— Spe­cial unlock­ables of Coral and Fernando’s adventures
— Offline game
— Oh! Oh! Oh! Christ­mas surprise!




Catcher Snowball