Humble Flash Bundle: So Cute! Woodle is in it!

By September 8, 2014Announce, Games

I’m super hap­py to announce that Woo­dle Tree is in the new Hum­ble Flash Bun­dle!

This bun­dle lasts only 24 hours, so hur­ry up!
you’ll get 4 oth­er great games with it:
Tok­i­Tori 2+, Triple Town, Girls Like Robots and Where is My Heart.

There lasts months were great, since the launch day (On 9th of June), Woo­dle has sold over 4000 copies!
if you would like to know more about the game devel­op­ment and mar­ket­ing, don’t hes­i­tate to ask, I’ll write a new long post about it.