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Suicide Guy VR Deluxe (PlayStation VR2) — Post-mortem!

By | Announce, Games | No Comments

Hel­lo my friends!
In this blog post I would like to write about the devel­op­ment and the post-release of our lat­est game, “Sui­cide Guy VR Deluxe” (PSVR2).
What went wrong and what went right? Is it worth to devel­op for PlaySta­tion VR2? Here you’ll find the answers!

Mean­while, here the game link!

I can start by say­ing that it is cer­tain­ly a new plat­form on which it is com­mer­cial­ly worth devel­op­ing, since in just a month we already passed the 10.000 units sold of our VR game, and went on top 20 (PSVR2) games on the store for few days. (The launch dur­ing the Christ­mas peri­od and the few titles present on the store, cer­tain­ly helped sales)

Regard­ing costs and devel­op­ment times, how­ev­er, has been very com­plex, giv­en that it took much longer than expect­ed for the launch (about 8 months of devel­op­ment, while we had only pre­dict­ed 3).
The game (non Deluxe edi­tion) has been already released on PSVR1 a few years ago and the port for PSVR2 required chang­ing a lot of things which ini­tial­ly we did­n’t expect.

For exam­ple, we had to improve many aspects of the game such as the frame rate and the qual­i­ty of inter­ac­tions in order for the title to be accept­ed for pub­li­ca­tion on the PlaySta­tion Store.

PSVR1 game link:

The game has already been released on all major VR stores like Steam and Ocu­lus Store.
It is cer­tain­ly the store where it has per­formed best in terms of sales num­bers so far, but also the most dif­fi­cult to pub­lish on.

Anoth­er very inter­est­ing aspect is the com­mu­ni­ty, with so many active play­ers inter­est­ed in try­ing new game expe­ri­ences for PSVR2.
In fact, we have had a large amount of play­ers writ­ing to us for feed­back and improve­ments to the game and who keep ask­ing us for updates on the game.

Steam Link:

Thanks to this, we are con­tin­u­ing to work on new patch­es for the game (released the first one a few days ago) to fix bugs and new addi­tion­al con­tent.

Regard­ing the dif­fer­ence between PSVR1 and PSVR2: devel­op­ment on the PlaySta­tion VR2 is cer­tain­ly slight­ly more sim­pli­fied if your game has com­plex object inter­ac­tion mechan­ics and you also have the advan­tage of hav­ing more mem­o­ry resources being playable on PS5.

In con­clu­sion it was def­i­nite­ly worth the effort and we will see what the future of VR holds: If the game will con­tin­ue to sell well and if we are lucky enough to also have a PSVR3 head­set soon­er or later!

We’ll con­tin­ue to keep you updat­ed on the devel­op­ment and store per­for­mance of the game which has­n’t actu­al­ly end­ed yet.

Suicide Guy VR Deluxe available today for PlayStation VR2!

By | Games | No Comments

Hel­lo my friends!

We’re proud to announce the release of our first PlaySta­tion VR2 game, “Sui­cide Guy VR Deluxe”!

game link!

Expe­ri­ence it and find out the new cus­tom lev­els that take full advan­tage of Vir­tu­al Real­i­ty.
Will your heart be able to take all these deaths at once?

A first per­son puz­zle game like no oth­er where you’ll have to find the way out of your own dreams using objects and tools that you’ll obtain dur­ing the nap.

Play this super immer­sive expe­ri­ence with your PSVR2 Device.


- New awe­some lev­els that take full advan­tage of VR devices

- Full body loco­mo­tion in Vir­tu­al Reality

- Total physics con­trol of all items

- New incred­i­ble moves: be able to pick up items, throw them, acti­vate mech­a­nisms and even burp.

- Dri­ving Sys­tem redesigned for VR

- Tele­port move­ment style extra option (if your stom­ach can’t take it)

- An impor­tant mis­sion to accom­plish (again)

What Does the new Deluxe edi­tion includes?

- Graph­ics and per­for­mance improvements

- Ful­ly adapt­ed for PlaySta­tion VR2 devices

- Improved com­fort for VR

WARNING: this game is VR only
In addi­tion, PlaySta­tion VR2 Device is required.

Game Development Journey — The importance of building a solid Team

By | Games | No Comments

Hel­lo my friends!

In this blog post I would like to write about the impor­tance of build­ing a sol­id team from the start of your jour­ney and how this helped us to pub­lish new games every year with­out inter­rup­tions dur­ing the last 10 years.

The fun­da­men­tal aspect for our com­pa­ny is that in the last 10 years the core team has nev­er changed and that all the new mem­bers added and trained to work on the new games have nev­er been replaced.

Anoth­er key ele­ment that I think led to our com­pa­ny suc­cess is that we tend to place more impor­tance on the well-being of indi­vid­ual team mem­bers than on the projects themselves.

Of course that does­n’t mean that we neglect our projects, but if there are any dif­fi­cul­ties dur­ing devel­op­ment, we try to meet the needs of the team.

Time in game devel­op­ment is also a fun­da­men­tal aspect: being able to release a new game in a short time is essen­tial in today’s mar­ket. If you keep chang­ing team mem­bers, I think it’s impos­si­ble to meet the games release times giv­en that even new mem­bers will have to adapt to the com­pa­ny’s work­flow and obtain all the nec­es­sary skills for every new project.

As an exam­ple, one of our most suc­cess­ful games of the past year “Sui­cide Guy VR” for PlaySta­tion VR, had a devel­op­ment time of just 6 months. This would­n’t have been pos­si­ble with­out a sol­id team that worked already on the non VR edition.

Game Link:

the short devel­op­ment time cer­tain­ly helped the game to be released in the best peri­od and able to sell tens of thou­sands of copies in few months.

In short, the secret key is: bring­ing togeth­er an amaz­ing group of peo­ple towards a com­mon goal. This of course takes time but in the long term is total­ly worth it.

I hope this blog post will help you build­ing a bet­ter team!
For more infos you can vis­it our web­site with all our games at:

10 Years Game Development Journey — Chubby Pixel

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From a 2 person team to a Company

Hel­lo my friends!
In this blog post I would like to write about our game devel­op­ment jour­ney expe­ri­ence dur­ing the last 10 years in the gam­ing field start­ed with small games projects devel­oped by just 2 per­son to a com­pa­ny with over 15 devel­op­ers involved!
For more infos you can vis­it our web­site with all our games at:

Our first game Woo­dle Tree Adven­tures released in 2013 for PC was quite a suc­cess­ful release, espe­cial­ly after the con­sole release few years later.

Game link:

In the mean­time we con­tin­ued to devel­op B2B games (Busi­ness to Busi­ness) for many com­pa­nies and brands. Only after a few years we’ve been able to start to devel­op only B2C (Busi­ness to Con­sumer) and to expand the team only through this business.

In 2016 we decid­ed to expand the team thanks to suc­cess­ful games like Sui­cide Guy, Sui­cide Guy: Sleepin’ Deeply and Woo­dle Tree 2: Deluxe released for all con­soles and PC

Games link:

After the incred­i­ble and unex­pect­ed suc­cess of our new games, we decid­ed to con­tin­u­ous­ly expand the team and move the first steps into the Vir­tu­al Real­i­ty field, releas­ing our first VR game Sui­cide Guy VR for PlaySta­tion VR, Steam and Ocu­lus in 2020. Despite the niche mar­ket, the game was a great suc­cess and helped us to con­tin­ue our Journey

Game Link:

In 2020 and 2021 we start­ed to devel­op and con­vert our games for the Mobile mar­ket (iOS and Android). Since the games were already very famous, this helped a lot the mobile releas­es, with thou­sands of copies sold in the first weeks.

Game link:

The team is now com­plete and we’re focus­ing on our next adven­ture game releas­ing it soon and a new PlaySta­tion VR2 game, stay tuned!
Thank you for the atten­tion, I hope this post can help oth­er devel­op­ers to find their way too!

Suicide Guy VR Deluxe Coming to Steam!

By | Games | No Comments

Hel­lo my friends!
We’re glad to announce that Sui­cide Guy VR the new Deluxe edi­tion is com­ing to Steam this November!

Stay tuned for the full release and add to your wish­list now!

A first per­son puz­zle game like no oth­er where you’ll have to find the way out of your own dreams using objects and tools that you’ll obtain dur­ing your nap.

Play this super immer­sive expe­ri­ence, now com­pat­i­ble with all VR devices (Ocu­lus Quest, Valve Index, HTC Vive and Ocu­lus Rift)

Chubby Pixel team is expanding!

By | Games | No Comments

Hel­lo my friends!
In this blog post I would like to talk about our team, now com­posed of 6 mem­bers.

In the past months we’ve been busy scal­ing up the team and our projects find­ing new key fig­ures that will help us to make even bet­ter games!


After years of hard work now the team is com­posed of:

(1) game designer

(2) game­play programmers

(1) sound effect and sound­track designer

(1) 3d artist

(1) 2d artist


I think the key aspect to be able to build up a team like this, start­ing as solo devel­op­er, has been to con­tin­u­ous­ly scale up the game projects, gath­er­ing more funds from one project to the next.

Since we’re still search­ing for fig­ures to join our team, if you would like to work (or col­lab­o­rate with us), please send your CV and port­fo­lio at:

We’ll review it and answer as fast as possible!