Woodle Tree 2: Development Blog

By February 1, 2019Games

In this post I would like to talk to you about our next project in devel­op­ment for
Nin­ten­do Switch and PlaySta­tion 4 “Woo­dle Tree 2: Deluxe”.

Pro­vi­so­ry logo

This is actu­al­ly a remake of a game released in 2016 on Steam called “Woo­dle Tree 2: Worlds” (link)

The game was pret­ty suc­cess­ful at his time with over 20.000 copies sold, but we were not able to include all the con­cepts and mechan­ics we want­ed due to time and bud­get limit.

Woo­dle Tree 2: Deluxe first screenshot!

Thanks to the great suc­cess of oth­er games we’ve release in last years (like Sui­cide Guy and more) we now have the bud­get to be able to cre­ate even a greater title!

We start­ed the devel­op­ment of this new ver­sion in June 2018, try­ing to adapt the whole game to Nin­ten­do Switch.
Since it’s an open world plat­former, the effort has been huge con­sid­er­ing the lim­it­ed hard­ware and the fact that our tar­get was to achieve 60 fps.

Here a glimps of the map of the whole game, com­pre­hend­ing over 9 lev­els + new dif­fer­ent plat­form­ing areas:

Con­cept of the World map in Woo­dle Tree 2: Deluxe

The remake we’re try­ing to achieve will com­pre­hend a total redesign with new lev­els, char­ac­ters, new cutscenes, improved game mechan­ics and much more.

We real­ly hope you’ll appre­ci­ate the effort!

We’ve already start­ed to adver­tise the game with a huge feed­back from fans https://www.reddit.com/r/nintendo/comments/aftp39/our_new_game_woodle_2_coming_to_nintendo_switch/

This is very use­ful since we’re still gath­er­ing feed­back from play­ers, and the game is far from finished.

The game will be released in 2019, I’ll soon update this post inform­ing you on all the new things we’re adding to the game!

New Intro menu

Here mean­while some cool con­cepts from new char­ac­ters and items!