Chubby Pixel team is expanding!

By July 8, 2022Games

Hel­lo my friends!
In this blog post I would like to talk about our team, now com­posed of 6 mem­bers.

In the past months we’ve been busy scal­ing up the team and our projects find­ing new key fig­ures that will help us to make even bet­ter games!


After years of hard work now the team is com­posed of:

(1) game designer

(2) game­play programmers

(1) sound effect and sound­track designer

(1) 3d artist

(1) 2d artist


I think the key aspect to be able to build up a team like this, start­ing as solo devel­op­er, has been to con­tin­u­ous­ly scale up the game projects, gath­er­ing more funds from one project to the next.

Since we’re still search­ing for fig­ures to join our team, if you would like to work (or col­lab­o­rate with us), please send your CV and port­fo­lio at:

We’ll review it and answer as fast as possible!