From a single game to a brand: the Suicide Guy recap

By January 31, 2022Games

How the constant support to the game, hugely improved the interest in the franchise through the years


Hel­lo my friends!
In this post I would like to share with you the devel­op­ment expe­ri­ence that we have under­tak­en to raise aware­ness and main­tain con­stant inter­est in our games and brands, with hun­dreds of thou­sands of play­ers all around the world.

We start­ed with a sin­gle game, than due to the suc­cess of the first release, con­tin­ued to expand the brand, releas­ing new chap­ters, a phys­i­cal edi­tion, a Vir­tu­al Real­i­ty ver­sion of the game, a Mobile edi­tion and much more.

Below you can find all the steps that fol­lowed the ini­tial release in 2017!

Suicide Guy (PC game) (2017)

Released back in 2017 for PC (Steam, Hum­ble store) the game gained a huge boost thanks to stream­ers that helped to expand the brand aware­ness of the char­ac­ters, game­play style, and game mechan­ics.
Thanks to this, we under­stood the game poten­tial and decid­ed to con­tin­ue to expand this world.

Game link:

Suicide Guy Sleepin’ Deeply (2018)

We then released a few months lat­er the sec­ond chap­ter with new lev­els, sto­ry and much more, expand­ing the game world and its char­ac­ters.

Game link:

Suicide Guy (Console releases) (2018)

The first chap­ter was then released on all major con­soles (PS4, Nin­ten­do Switch and Xbox One) gain­ing even more vis­i­bil­i­ty, play­ers and a fan­base.
The most pop­u­lar release is prob­a­bly on Switch where the game had the most sales ever. 

Game Link:

Suicide Guy VR (2020)

The Vir­tu­al Real­i­ty edi­tion of the game was then released in 2020 for PC, and lat­er for PlaySta­tion VR/Oculus Store.
Although Vir­tu­al Real­i­ty is not yet a mass hard­ward prod­uct, the game has sold very well on those plat­forms.

Game Link:

Suicide Guy Collection (physical edition) (2020)

The Sui­cide Guy Col­lec­tion that includes all the chap­ters of the game, was then pub­lished the same year as a phys­i­cal release for Nin­ten­do Switch, thanks to Red Art games that helped us with the phys­i­cal distribution.

Game Link:

Suicide Guy (mobile edition iOS, Google Play) (2021)

Due to the suc­cess of the lat­est releas­es, we then decid­ed to pub­lish a lighter ver­sion of the game for iOS and Google Play, and found out that many users did­n’t have yet played the game. The mobile mar­ket is huge if well exploit­ed and if you release a game already well known globally.

Game Link:

The Suicide Guy Deluxe Edition (2021)

After many years from its ini­tial release, we then decid­ed to release an updat­ed and improved ver­sion of the first game, with new lev­els, con­tent and much more, attract­ing many new players.

Game Link:

Suicide Guy (Chinese release) (2022)

Thanks to the Chi­nese pub­lish­er 4399 games we were final­ly able in 2022 to release the game in Chi­na.
This fact helped the aware­ness of the game to expand even in this new territory!

Game Link:

Suicide Guy 2 (TBA) and more!

Many new releas­es are in the works, with a big­ger sequel, new incred­i­ble chap­ters, peluches and much more. This was all pos­si­ble thanks to the huge sup­port that gamers and fans gave us through the years.

We think that the fran­chise of the game is still wide­ly expand­able and so we will con­tin­ue to devel­op this kind of game expand­ing even more its game mechanics!