Hello my friends!
In this blog post I would like to write about the importance of building a solid team from the start of your journey and how this helped us to publish new games every year without interruptions during the last 10 years.
The fundamental aspect for our company is that in the last 10 years the core team has never changed and that all the new members added and trained to work on the new games have never been replaced.
Another key element that I think led to our company success is that we tend to place more importance on the well-being of individual team members than on the projects themselves.
Of course that doesn’t mean that we neglect our projects, but if there are any difficulties during development, we try to meet the needs of the team.
Time in game development is also a fundamental aspect: being able to release a new game in a short time is essential in today’s market. If you keep changing team members, I think it’s impossible to meet the games release times given that even new members will have to adapt to the company’s workflow and obtain all the necessary skills for every new project.
As an example, one of our most successful games of the past year “Suicide Guy VR” for PlayStation VR, had a development time of just 6 months. This wouldn’t have been possible without a solid team that worked already on the non VR edition.
Game Link: https://store.playstation.com/it-it/product/EP2659-CUSA24681_00-2916580547794178
the short development time certainly helped the game to be released in the best period and able to sell tens of thousands of copies in few months.
In short, the secret key is: bringing together an amazing group of people towards a common goal. This of course takes time but in the long term is totally worth it.
I hope this blog post will help you building a better team!
For more infos you can visit our website with all our games at: www.chubbypixel.com