Suicide Guy — 2 Years after release

By July 5, 2019Games

Hel­lo my friends!

We’re delight­ed to announce that 2 years after the release (back in 2017), Sui­cide Guy has become now our most suc­cess­ful game with over 100.000 copies sold on all plat­forms!

Here a pie chart and the copies sold in order of release on every plat­form, we hope this will help oth­er game devel­op­ers as well!

Steam edi­tion 43k

PlaySta­tion 4 edi­tion: 32k copies sold

Nin­ten­do Switch edi­tion: 25k copies sold

Thanks to this, the team is con­stant­ly expand­ing, so you can expect new games of this and new series com­ing out soon!