Suicide Guy a port-mortem 3 years after release

By April 27, 2020Games

Hel­lo my friends!

I would like to write a post about the devel­op­ment and mar­ket­ing of Sui­cide Guy and its new chap­ters. (link)

Even if is a game of 2017 (3 years ago), the game is still sell­ing real­ly well thanks to the con­stan­cy of our updates and the mar­ket­ing we’re mak­ing to adver­tise the new chap­ters and con­tent that we’re adding to the game.

The game has sold for now a total of over 150.000 copies on all plat­forms (notice that it includes all the chap­ters) and is still sell­ing con­sis­tent­ly like the pre­vi­ous year with­out major slow­downs.

You can check this in the pie chart below:

Here a graph tak­en direct­ly from Steam with the copies sold start­ing from 2017 to 2020 (of course includes sales and deals). As you can see it seems that the curve goes even up and the inter­est in the game is still very high.

The curios­i­ty about the game is still increas­ing prob­a­bly due to the new VR edi­tion that we’re going to release in few months.
(You can join our Dis­cord serv­er here for updates:

I noticed that the inter­est in VR has nev­er been so high, that is why we’re port­ing the game for all VR devices and at the same time con­tin­u­ing to add content.

Since the game is still unknown by many play­ers, I’m even test­ing new mar­ket­ing strate­gies, for exam­ple post­ing video updates of the game on Red­dit. You can check for exam­ple This Post

As you can see the inter­est in the VR edi­tion of the game is incred­i­bly high, with a lot of play­ers that even played the first game and are eager to try this new VR edition!

This kind of mar­ket­ing is both cre­at­ing aware­ness on the upcom­ing VR game and help­ing actu­al sales of the game already released in 2017.

Here some oth­er post exam­ples that I made to cre­ate aware­ness on the upcom­ing release:

Per­son­al­ly I have to say that even after years after the first game, I’m still hav­ing fun to return to the project and con­tin­ue it with new content.

Thanks to this, the team is con­stant­ly expand­ing, so you can expect new games of this and new series com­ing out soon!

Remem­ber that you can grab a copy of the game here if you want:

And here a sneak peek of the logo of Sui­cide Guy VR com­ing soon