Suicide Guy VR Post-Mortem development blog

By November 12, 2020Games

Hel­lo my friends!
I would like to take the time to ana­lyze our lat­est game release: Sui­cide Guy VR (Steam link:

The game has been released on July 24th 2020 and sold pret­ty well con­sid­er­ing is a VR game (10.000 copies in the first few months).

Must be said that this was our first big VR title released until now and we did­n’t know the mar­ket in depth, so it was an inter­est­ing exper­i­ment for us. (our first game was Heav­en Island VR MMO

Today Sui­cide Guy VR has 68 reviews with mixed reviews, but this is man­ly due to prob­lems on cer­tain VR hard­ware that we found out after the release (we did­n’t know there were so many devices that gamers actu­al­ly use, for exam­ple the Cos­mos and the Microsoft Mixed Reality)

The game has been devel­oped with the Valve Index and the Ocu­lus Rift devices in mind, and we did­n’t know so many gamers actu­al­ly have many kinds of VR devices. More­over these devices have all some dif­fer­ent con­trols scheme and hard­ware char­ac­ter­is­tics that makes dif­fi­cult to adjust! So a sug­ges­tion I would like to make if you’re approach­ing to VR devel­op­ment is to have all the nec­es­sary hard­ware devel­op­ment kits.

We’re still work­ing hard on the game in order to make it per­fect­ly com­pat­i­ble for all hard­ware (Cos­mos and Mixed Real­i­ty includ­ed), so stay tuned for fur­ther updates!

Despite these prob­lems, the game has been played by many Youtu­bers, here some examples!

An inter­est­ing thing I noticed is that many of them nev­er played the first non-VR game, so this new edi­tion indeed was a great incen­tive to try it out and get to know the game.

After all this feed­back we’re plan­ning to release the game on Ocu­lus Quest Store and PlaySta­tion VR since we found out that there is a very high inter­est in VR games, but the prob­lem is that the mar­ket is pret­ty frag­ment­ed (check out how many active users has this sub­red­dit for exam­ple: )

A prob­lem we already found dur­ing the PS VR port is that in order to play VR at its best you need 2 PS Moves (for hands con­trol), but those are not includ­ed in the VR head­set. This prob­a­bly makes a lot VR gamers to not have the pos­si­bil­i­ty to play the game at its best with the PS Moves.

Here a pret­ty inter­est­ing VR hard­ware sales graph:
As you can see the “Oth­ers” is still a very per­cent­age, and this does­n’t help the mar­ket fragmentation!

How­ev­er, even if the mar­ket is so var­ied, it is def­i­nite­ly worth work­ing on the best pos­si­ble port.

I’ll soon update this blog post with some con­sid­er­a­tions on these stores as well, so stay tuned!