

Chubby Pixel new updates!

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Hel­lo my friends!

Novem­ber is here and I would like to take the time to let you know which are the new projects we’re work­ing on!

Our lat­est game release (in July) with Sui­cide Guy VR (link) per­formed real­ly well with over 10.000 copies sold on Steam in the first few months! This pushed us to port the game for PlaySta­tion VR and Ocu­lus Store.

The PS VR port is tak­ing us more time than expect­ed, but we’re try­ing to deliv­er the game to our fans for December/January, so stay tuned!

Regard­ing our new game in devel­op­ment, here a video update where you can see a glimpse of gameplay!

We’ll soon share more details, so stay tuned!

The full game will be released for the next Gen Con­soles (PS5 and Xbox Series X) + Nin­ten­do Switch and Steam!

Anoth­er news for our Nin­ten­do Switch releas­es: next month (in Decem­ber), we’ll relese a new game!
Stay tuned to find out what it is :)

Have a great Week,
Chub­by Pixel

Thank you from Chubby Pixel

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Thank you


Hel­lo my friend,

We would like to take a moment to thank every sin­gle gamer that helped us dur­ing our first years of game development.
Game devel­op­ment is real­ly a tough job, but thanks to you and all our fans, we were able to con­tin­ue to immerse our­selves in the devel­op­ment of our ideas and experimentation.

In par­tic­u­lar we would like to thank Valve and all the Steam com­mu­ni­ty sup­port­ing us:


Review Experts

Mami­los Club

Opi­um Pulses


And many more, thank you again!
We will con­tin­ue to make games all thanks to you and to your amaz­ing support.

Game Devel­op­ment for us start­ed back in 2011 and since then we devel­oped a lot of com­plete games and were even able to exper­i­ment with this incred­i­ble medium.
Here you can check all the games we were able to pub­lish until now:



What has been done

Our first game was first pub­lished back in 2013 on Desura and Steam:

At first it was just an hob­by for us and we weren’t even think­ing about mak­ing this our full time job.
After a few years thanks to the suc­cess of this game we under­stood that this was becom­ing some­thing spe­cial that peo­ple appreciated.

This lead to us with game exper­i­men­ta­tion: we were able to test new ideas both on Steam and Web brow­er games web­sites like Kon­gre­gate and Newgrounds.

Some of these exper­i­ments can be found here: http://store.steampowered.com/app/400250/Heaven_Island__VR_MMO/
This was less suc­cess­ful than our first game, but we were able to under­stand what Steam gamers were search­ing for and that some of them had inter­est in our gam­ing experiments.

Thanks to the suc­cess of our first title we decid­ed to devel­op the sequel Woo­dle Tree 2 (released in 2016).

Even in this new title we tried to exper­i­ment with game­play mechan­ics and interactions:
we includ­ed an open world mechan­ic, one of the first of its kind for a plat­former game.
Anoth­er inter­est­ing thing we want­ed to include are spe­cial moves thanks to the only weapon the pro­tag­o­nist has (a leaf).

Here the link to Woo­dle Tree 2: Worlds


Our last but not least game is Sui­cide Guy (released in 2017).
With this title the inten­tion was to cre­ate almost a new genre in the gam­ing field start­ing from the first per­son puz­zle games like Portal.

This game had an amaz­ing impact on the Steam com­mu­ni­ty and on youtu­bers with mil­lions of play­ers all around the globe.

The game can be down­loaded here:




The Next Steps

Thanks to our com­mu­ni­ty we are able to con­tin­ue our work, our main objec­tive is still to cre­ate unique games that can open the eyes of its players.

We’re cur­rent­ly work­ing on Nin­ten­do Switch, PS4 and Xbox One con­vert­ing our first game Woo­dle Tree Adven­tures and lat­er even our oth­er games, but don’t wor­ry since Steam is still our main devel­op­ment platform.

Stay tuned to see when these games are going to be released in the next months!


A brand new game is in devel­op­ment too, still unan­nounced. We’ll share the details with you soon!



Thank you again for the sup­port you’ve shown to us :)
Chub­by Pixel

100.000 copies sold Woodle Tree!

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Hel­lo my friends!

We at Chub­by Pix­el are super hap­py to announce that thanks to you’re help we reached 100.000 copies sold!


Thank you so much for this incred­i­ble result, we’ll keep mak­ing games forever.


with love,

Chub­by Pixel




Woodle Tree — 45.000 copies sold in one year!, thank you so much :)

By | Announce, Games | No Comments

Hel­lo my friends,
We’re hap­py to announce that today that Woo­dle has reached a total of 45.000 copies sold on Steam! 

Thank you so much for this incred­i­ble num­ber. Thanks your sup­port, I and my friends will be able to con­tin­ue to devel­op and pub­lish new games.

Here a taste of our next games in development:


Screenshot 2015-02-23 20.19.06



Screenshot 2015-08-03 09.48.30

The Way of Life
This explo­ration game has 3 main char­ac­ters: a busi­ness man, an old man and a child. They find them­selves on a road which is appar­ent­ly the same, but changes upon their per­cep­tion of reality.


with love,
Chub­by Pix­el team