Hello my friends!
In this blog post I would like to write about the development and the post-release of our latest game, “Suicide Guy VR Deluxe” (PSVR2).
What went wrong and what went right? Is it worth to develop for PlayStation VR2? Here you’ll find the answers!
Meanwhile, here the game link!
I can start by saying that it is certainly a new platform on which it is commercially worth developing, since in just a month we already passed the 10.000 units sold of our VR game, and went on top 20 (PSVR2) games on the store for few days. (The launch during the Christmas period and the few titles present on the store, certainly helped sales)

Regarding costs and development times, however, has been very complex, given that it took much longer than expected for the launch (about 8 months of development, while we had only predicted 3).
The game (non Deluxe edition) has been already released on PSVR1 a few years ago and the port for PSVR2 required changing a lot of things which initially we didn’t expect.
For example, we had to improve many aspects of the game such as the frame rate and the quality of interactions in order for the title to be accepted for publication on the PlayStation Store.
PSVR1 game link: https://store.playstation.com/it-it/product/EP2659-CUSA24681_00-2916580547794178

The game has already been released on all major VR stores like Steam and Oculus Store.
It is certainly the store where it has performed best in terms of sales numbers so far, but also the most difficult to publish on.
Another very interesting aspect is the community, with so many active players interested in trying new game experiences for PSVR2.
In fact, we have had a large amount of players writing to us for feedback and improvements to the game and who keep asking us for updates on the game.
Steam Link: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1316760/Suicide_Guy_VR/?curator_clanid=10153659

Thanks to this, we are continuing to work on new patches for the game (released the first one a few days ago) to fix bugs and new additional content.
Regarding the difference between PSVR1 and PSVR2: development on the PlayStation VR2 is certainly slightly more simplified if your game has complex object interaction mechanics and you also have the advantage of having more memory resources being playable on PS5.

In conclusion it was definitely worth the effort and we will see what the future of VR holds: If the game will continue to sell well and if we are lucky enough to also have a PSVR3 headset sooner or later!
We’ll continue to keep you updated on the development and store performance of the game which hasn’t actually ended yet.