Woodle Tree Adventures Deluxe on Xbox One available now!

By May 30, 2019Games

Hel­lo my friends!
We’re glad to announce that our first game for Xbox One is now available!

You can get it here: tiny.cc/ipyj7y

Woo­dle Tree Adven­tures is an old school plat­form game with a catchy and unique art style! Explore a total of 6 worlds and save the lands with the mag­i­cal water drops you’ll find through your jour­ney, bring­ing back peace and bal­ance and final­ly becom­ing the new hero!

Pan European Game Information


The devel­op­ment of the game has been pret­ty dif­fi­cult due to some request from Microsoft in order to fit their stan­dards. It took about 3 months for the con­ver­sion from PC (Steam) to Xbox One.

For exam­ple we had to han­dle the users, achieve­ments to include, gen­er­al opti­miza­tion and a lot of things that were new for us.

I hope you’ll enjoy this deluxe edi­tion, have fun!