

Suicide Guy VR Deluxe (PlayStation VR2) — Post-mortem!

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Hel­lo my friends!
In this blog post I would like to write about the devel­op­ment and the post-release of our lat­est game, “Sui­cide Guy VR Deluxe” (PSVR2).
What went wrong and what went right? Is it worth to devel­op for PlaySta­tion VR2? Here you’ll find the answers!

Mean­while, here the game link!

I can start by say­ing that it is cer­tain­ly a new plat­form on which it is com­mer­cial­ly worth devel­op­ing, since in just a month we already passed the 10.000 units sold of our VR game, and went on top 20 (PSVR2) games on the store for few days. (The launch dur­ing the Christ­mas peri­od and the few titles present on the store, cer­tain­ly helped sales)

Regard­ing costs and devel­op­ment times, how­ev­er, has been very com­plex, giv­en that it took much longer than expect­ed for the launch (about 8 months of devel­op­ment, while we had only pre­dict­ed 3).
The game (non Deluxe edi­tion) has been already released on PSVR1 a few years ago and the port for PSVR2 required chang­ing a lot of things which ini­tial­ly we did­n’t expect.

For exam­ple, we had to improve many aspects of the game such as the frame rate and the qual­i­ty of inter­ac­tions in order for the title to be accept­ed for pub­li­ca­tion on the PlaySta­tion Store.

PSVR1 game link:

The game has already been released on all major VR stores like Steam and Ocu­lus Store.
It is cer­tain­ly the store where it has per­formed best in terms of sales num­bers so far, but also the most dif­fi­cult to pub­lish on.

Anoth­er very inter­est­ing aspect is the com­mu­ni­ty, with so many active play­ers inter­est­ed in try­ing new game expe­ri­ences for PSVR2.
In fact, we have had a large amount of play­ers writ­ing to us for feed­back and improve­ments to the game and who keep ask­ing us for updates on the game.

Steam Link:

Thanks to this, we are con­tin­u­ing to work on new patch­es for the game (released the first one a few days ago) to fix bugs and new addi­tion­al con­tent.

Regard­ing the dif­fer­ence between PSVR1 and PSVR2: devel­op­ment on the PlaySta­tion VR2 is cer­tain­ly slight­ly more sim­pli­fied if your game has com­plex object inter­ac­tion mechan­ics and you also have the advan­tage of hav­ing more mem­o­ry resources being playable on PS5.

In con­clu­sion it was def­i­nite­ly worth the effort and we will see what the future of VR holds: If the game will con­tin­ue to sell well and if we are lucky enough to also have a PSVR3 head­set soon­er or later!

We’ll con­tin­ue to keep you updat­ed on the devel­op­ment and store per­for­mance of the game which has­n’t actu­al­ly end­ed yet.

Suicide Guy: Sleepin’ Deeply — New chapter now available!

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Hel­lo my friends!

I’m glad to announce that the new chap­ter of our game is now avail­able on Steam!

Check it out:

In this new chap­ter of “Sui­cide Guy” you’ll be chal­lenged with even more insane puz­zles, gen­er­at­ed by the sur­re­al dreams of the Guy. You’ll encounter the weird­est of the liv­ing beings as you go deep­er and deep­er into his sub­con­scious. This time to wake him up you’ll need all your skills.

70 On Metacritic from Suicide Guy! (PS4 edition)

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Hel­lo my friends!

I’m proud to announce that our first PlaySta­tion 4 game “Sui­cide Guy” has now reached a score of 70 on Meta­crit­ic:‑4/suicide-guy

I think this is an out­stand­ing result for us that can help us to con­tin­ue to make new games in the future.

From the bot­tom of our hearts, Thank you for the sup­port dur­ing these years! <3

Suicide Guy now available on PlayStation 4!

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Hel­lo my friends!

I’m glad to announce that our lat­est game “Sui­cide Guy” is now avial­able for PlaySta­tion 4!
You can dowload it in the PSN Store at:

This is our first game licenced by Sony, and this was a real hon­or for us.
I’ll soon write a thor­ough top­ic about the devel­op­ment on this fan­tas­tic con­sole!

Here the trail­er of the game meanwhile:

Woodle Tree Adventures “Deluxe” — Available for Nintendo Switch!

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Hel­lo my friends!

I’m glad to announce that our first game “Woo­dle Tree Adven­tures” is now avial­able for Nin­ten­do Switch!
You can dowload it in the Nin­ten­do eShop at:


This is our first game licenced by Nin­ten­do, and this was a real hon­or for us.
I’ll soon write a thor­ough top­ic about the devel­op­ment on this fan­tas­tic con­sole!

Here the trail­er of the game meanwhile:


Thank you from Chubby Pixel

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Thank you


Hel­lo my friend,

We would like to take a moment to thank every sin­gle gamer that helped us dur­ing our first years of game development.
Game devel­op­ment is real­ly a tough job, but thanks to you and all our fans, we were able to con­tin­ue to immerse our­selves in the devel­op­ment of our ideas and experimentation.

In par­tic­u­lar we would like to thank Valve and all the Steam com­mu­ni­ty sup­port­ing us:


Review Experts

Mami­los Club

Opi­um Pulses

And many more, thank you again!
We will con­tin­ue to make games all thanks to you and to your amaz­ing support.

Game Devel­op­ment for us start­ed back in 2011 and since then we devel­oped a lot of com­plete games and were even able to exper­i­ment with this incred­i­ble medium.
Here you can check all the games we were able to pub­lish until now:


What has been done

Our first game was first pub­lished back in 2013 on Desura and Steam:

At first it was just an hob­by for us and we weren’t even think­ing about mak­ing this our full time job.
After a few years thanks to the suc­cess of this game we under­stood that this was becom­ing some­thing spe­cial that peo­ple appreciated.

This lead to us with game exper­i­men­ta­tion: we were able to test new ideas both on Steam and Web brow­er games web­sites like Kon­gre­gate and Newgrounds.

Some of these exper­i­ments can be found here:
This was less suc­cess­ful than our first game, but we were able to under­stand what Steam gamers were search­ing for and that some of them had inter­est in our gam­ing experiments.

Thanks to the suc­cess of our first title we decid­ed to devel­op the sequel Woo­dle Tree 2 (released in 2016).

Even in this new title we tried to exper­i­ment with game­play mechan­ics and interactions:
we includ­ed an open world mechan­ic, one of the first of its kind for a plat­former game.
Anoth­er inter­est­ing thing we want­ed to include are spe­cial moves thanks to the only weapon the pro­tag­o­nist has (a leaf).

Here the link to Woo­dle Tree 2: Worlds


Our last but not least game is Sui­cide Guy (released in 2017).
With this title the inten­tion was to cre­ate almost a new genre in the gam­ing field start­ing from the first per­son puz­zle games like Portal.

This game had an amaz­ing impact on the Steam com­mu­ni­ty and on youtu­bers with mil­lions of play­ers all around the globe.

The game can be down­loaded here:




The Next Steps

Thanks to our com­mu­ni­ty we are able to con­tin­ue our work, our main objec­tive is still to cre­ate unique games that can open the eyes of its players.

We’re cur­rent­ly work­ing on Nin­ten­do Switch, PS4 and Xbox One con­vert­ing our first game Woo­dle Tree Adven­tures and lat­er even our oth­er games, but don’t wor­ry since Steam is still our main devel­op­ment platform.

Stay tuned to see when these games are going to be released in the next months!


A brand new game is in devel­op­ment too, still unan­nounced. We’ll share the details with you soon!



Thank you again for the sup­port you’ve shown to us :)
Chub­by Pixel

Woodle Tree Adventures 2: Worlds! — Update #1

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Hel­lo My friends!
Here a new update for our next game in development!


Fol­low­ing the sug­ges­tions in This Top­ic, here are the first list of fea­ture present in the sequel of Woo­dle Tree:

  • Open World Platforming
  • Mas­sive Mul­ti­play­er Online
  • Local Co-Op up to 4 players
  • Cam­era move­ments and con­trols improved
  • More ene­mies
  • A Whole new sto­ry based on the prequel



And here are the first Work in Progress :)



